26 August 2024

Destined To Manage.

Anniversaries, Promotions & Motherhood.

Determined, enthusiastic, and loyal it is quite difficult to summarise someone as authentic as Eliza in just a few words. However, these are some of the qualities recognised by her colleagues, which have seen Eliza continue to excel.

Our team, and anyone that has had the pleasure of working with Eliza, would agree that she is one of the most lively and (outrageously) funny people you will meet. So, we thought it was only fair that you too had the opportunity to get to know her a bit better!

Half a decade ago, Newpol welcomed Eliza Barnes to our team. A powerhouse Contract Administrator who wasted no time showcasing her capabilities, admirable work ethic, and contagious attitude.

“From Eliza’s beginning at Newpol, her enthusiastic yet hard-hitting approach, along with her commitment and ownership, indicated that she was always destined to manage.”

Dieter Ruff, Operations Manager.


Earlier this year, she was deservingly promoted to DLP Manager—a role formally created to improve our clients' experience post-project completion, and one in which she is thriving.

To celebrate this important career milestone, we sat down with Eliza to reflect on the many new chapters she has embarked on over the last five years. But first, we wanted to share a few words from our Operations Manager, Dieter.

“The well-known saying, ‘opportunities don’t happen, you create them’, perfectly reflects Eliza’s journey to this management role.

I can’t think of anybody more deserving of this opportunity, with the results already being recognised. The respect Eliza has obtained from our entire subcontractor and client base, and within such a short period, is a testament to her character.

Eliza’s progression has been admirable, doing so all whilst raising a young family — a progression that reinforces the importance of investing in women and their professional development.

Eliza is such a genuine person, with a lot of integrity. She is an incredible asset to Newpol, and it’s an honour to work alongside her.”

“... she was always destined to manage... I can’t think of anybody more deserving of this opportunity.”

Last month marked your five-year anniversary at Newpol, congratulations! Your role within our organisation has evolved since you came on board, can you share how?

Yes! I started as a Contract Administrator five years ago with Newpol. Earlier this year I was promoted to DLP Manager!

Can you please explain what your current role as DLP Manager entails?

I am the primary contact for all our clients within the Defect Liability Period, which I am thoroughly enjoying. It’s important to me that our clients feel heard within that 12-month period, especially since the delivery team has likely taken on a new live project.

This role was created to enhance the client experience post-project completion. Ultimately, I ensure our clients' needs continue to be met, that any defective work is rectified promptly, and that essential services are completed on schedule.

We have received wonderful feedback in the last six months since the role was established, from our clients, architects, and subcontractors alike; managing defect work effectively is mutually beneficial.

How have you found the transition from Contract Administrator to DLP Manager?

It has been very rewarding. I have always felt valued at Newpol; however, it meant a lot that Newpol’s Senior Leaders recognised the necessary skills in me and entrusted me to fulfil this role.

I transitioned into this role shortly after returning from maternity leave, and it has been a wonderful experience. Taking on this new role has been empowering and has helped me regain a lot of confidence something I had been navigating since becoming a mum. I feel like my own person again and have relearned how to trust my instincts and capabilities.

I have been pleasantly surprised by how rewarding this role is and that I am really thriving in it. I do believe that the skills and experience I gained as a Contract Administrator have allowed me to succeed in this new role.

“I transitioned into this role shortly after returning from maternity leave... [it] has been empowering and has helped me regain a lot of confidence — something I had been navigating since becoming a mum.”

What are you enjoying the most about your new role?

The diversity — not one day is the same! I am loving the greater responsibility, and the investigative work required, having to find ways to overcome and solve new challenges. I am gaining so much knowledge and confidence.

Alongside this, I appreciate the opportunity to work closely with our Operations Manager, Dieter. I am learning a great deal from him, and he is guiding me through some really great important decision-making. I am grateful that this new role presents so many opportunities to learn and grow, especially alongside a mentor like Dieter.

Additionally, I am enjoying reconnecting with our subcontractors while building new relationships with subcontracting teams that I hadn't yet had the pleasure of working with.


What has been your career highlight?

From a project perspective, my career highlight has to be the Winning Appliances fit-out in Chadstone. It was my first opportunity to project manage, and we had 8 to 10 weeks to deliver this high-end retail fit-out in time for the Christmas period it was all very exciting! I have always loved fit-outs; they match the speed of my brain (ha!), and the process is just thrilling!

Additionally, my new role is quite special! Originally, I did think I would become a Project Manager, however, I am loving this side of the operations and feel that I am thriving in this position.

My personal promotion was made even more special by having two of my dear friends and fellow CAs promoted alongside me. I feel proud to work for Newpol, having witnessed so many internal promotions over the last five years and the growth opportunities they continue to provide for our team.

You have now been with Newpol for half a decade. What does it mean to you to be part of our team?

Newpol feels like a family. The values upheld by Newpol are ones I instil in my everyday life. One of my core values is loyalty, which is deeply ingrained at Newpol and evident throughout our team.

The mutual trust and respect we hold for another is something that is super important to me. When we come to work, we feel trusted, we feel heard, and our directors receive that in return.

I have grown as Newpol has evolved, which has been the case for many in the team, and it is very rewarding to be a part of. Some of the people here today have been [with Newpol] since the day I started, which is just a pure testament to the values that this company has.


You have had two beautiful daughters while you have been with Newpol. How did you find the transition to becoming a parent?

I am definitely not the only mother at Newpol; however, I am the first and only woman to take maternity leave. It was an exciting time for me, however, it was also very daunting regarding my career. It was a first for myself and a first for Newpol.

When I had my first daughter, Newpol didn't have a stand-alone Parental Leave Policy. However, there has been a lot of change, including the introduction of a policy that not only supports women going on maternity leave but also the men in our organisation. This encourages and (financially) allows all employees to take an extended period of leave.

It has been wonderful to see the improvements Newpol has collectively made [and] in the short period between the births of my two daughters. When I returned to work after my first baby, I sat down with our Brand, Marketing, People & Culture Manager, Karla, and we just gave each other some honest feedback. Everything was heard and taken on board. Now, we have an amazing policy that supports men and women.


How did the introduction of Newpol’s policy improve your parental leave experience?

The new policy, which came [into effect] before the birth of my second child, really made me feel confident about being on maternity leave and enjoying this period with my kids... it also made my return to work a lot smoother; I felt extremely supported.

When I was ready to return, [we] structured what would work best for my family, along with what worked for [Newpol].

Change doesn't happen overnight, but I have witnessed first-hand Newpol’s commitment to change for women in this company.

How are you finding being a working parent?

Now that I am a mum of two, my family dynamic has changed a lot, and Newpol has been so supportive of that. Newpol has [supported] my family responsibilities, alongside my career and development and nothing has had to be compromised.

As both our directors have young children, there has always been a realistic understanding of what is required to be a working parent. That said, I can’t deny the expectations that I put on myself; it’s a result of years of social conditioning, which I think a lot of women feel, within this industry, and all industries.

Within the expectations of “Am I performing at work?”, there are also the expectations of “Am I performing as a mum?” Sometimes you don’t know if you are doing a good job, [yet] you want to do great in all aspects of your life. “Am I picking up my kids early enough? Am I dropping them off too early?” These questions all come into play.

I feel very supported [at Newpol]... however, it’s just the unrealistic expectations that women put on themselves.

What advice do you have for anyone, especially young women, who want to enter the industry?

You just need to go for it! The industry is male-dominated... It is improving, but as a woman or a young woman, if you find a company with your values, who is willing to invest in you, you will succeed no matter what.

“Am I performing at work?... Am I performing as a mum?... it’s just the unrealistic expectations that women put on themselves.”